Presently so many “ism’s” are being developed according to the bodily conception—nationalism, communism, socialism, communalism and so on. In Calcutta during the 1947 Hindu-Muslim riots, there was more suffering because everyone was thinking, “I am a Hindu” or “I am a Muslim.” But, if one is advanced in Krsna consciousness, he will not fight according to such conceptions, A Krsna conscious person knows that he is neither Hindu nor Muslim but the eternal servant of Krsna.
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Now this sravanam kirtanam is taking place all over the world through the Krsna consciousness movement.Even in ordinary life it is possible for the mind to be absorbed in such a way that even a surgical operation may not disturb a man. Years ago, when Stalin had to undergo a surgical operation, he refused the use of chloroform. If this is possible even in an ordinary materialistic life, what to speak of spiritual life? One’s mind should always be absorbed in Krsna consciousness, in thinking of Krsna. It is Krsna’s injunction, “Always think of Me.” The European and American youths in the Krsna consciousness movement have been accustomed to many bad habits since birth, but now they have given these up.
Many people think that it is impossible to live without illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling. One famous Marquess told one of my Godbrothers, “Please make me a brahmana.” My Godbrother said, “Yes, it is not a very difficult thing. Simply give up these bad habits—intoxication, illicit sex, meat-eating and gambling. Then you can become a brahmana.” The Marquess then said, “Impossible! This is our life.” Actually we have seen that in Western countries older men cannot give up these habits, and because of this they are suffering, yet many young boys and girls have given them up, and there is no suffering. This is due to Krsna consciousness.
[excerpts from The Teachings of Lord Kaplia]
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